Great date

By SonofDonald - 22/01/2013 17:20 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a co-worker I've been interested in for some time. The topic of discussion she chose over lunch: how she's living a double-life as an escort in Flint and that she thinks she's picked up an STD from unprotected sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 475
You deserved it 4 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found out about the STD before possibly having sex with her.


KiddNYC1O 20
MaFioso13 17

What If she was lying so he wouldn't get any

Can I assume Flint, Michigan? We sure know how to keep it classy out here.

Threnody666 19

Yes we do. This place is the butthole of America :(

Yeah. But it's home. And I love it anyway.

I don't live in flint, but I do go to school there & spend most of my time there. I personally love it

The more you know. Well I hope you lost intrest, this would be beneath you.

There's nothing wrong with dating a sex worker. I'd date someone who worked as an escort. I'd have lots of questions first, though, and tops among them would be questions about safer sex. I think that question has already been answered, in this case, with "Not so much." I'd run away. You don't know what else she's careless about. Props to her for being willing to share that with you on the first date, though.

Probably made it up for a free lunch and to have no strings attached

Ask her how much she charges for a hand job? >.< .

I reckon she possibly is making that up coz she's not interested

GoodLookingGeese 10

It's not a random talk. I definitely agree with noor's opinion