Great expectations

By sheryl_m - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I came home expecting a surprise party. It was my birthday and I had overheard my friends planning it all week. Nobody was there. It turns out the party they were planning was for my friend's dog's birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 810
You deserved it 4 658

Top comments

lnm701 0

You need to find new friends...a party for their dog? Really?

WendlaMimii 0

Happy birthday! But you know, the dog deserves a party, too.


cantelopenipples 0
rachelhuggo 0

This fml is far-fetched, but maybe you should get friends with lives.

Happy birthday person....Get better friends.

that's lame. hope you have an amazing birthday anyway!

LOL that sucks. Maybe your friends forgot your birthday? You have to remind them sometimes, I only know my closest closest closest friend's birthday...that only about 6 birthdays. The rest I kinda need to get reminded...

Thoureau 0

Damn, your friends suck. Happy birthday anyways!

sarenalove 0

Just "forget" their birthdays ha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY though!!

Happy birthday! If it's any consolation, I didn't get a party, or any presents either... So I know how you feel!

victoriavalentin_fml 0

I find this very hard to believe... Why would your friends be throwing a dog a surprise party? That makes no sense.

You know what's worse is that you didn't even get invited to their friend's dog's party.