Great planning

By TheBaconater - 03/02/2013 16:22 - United States - Baraboo

Today, I woke up to a voicemail from my manager saying I had the day off. Excited, I made plans with my friends. A few minutes ago I got a call from my other manager yelling at me for not showing up, and the original manager revealed he had me confused with another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 782
You deserved it 2 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the boss confesses to making a mistake, you should be forgiven

Good grief, one should think a bit of internal communication isn't too much to ask before they start yelling at the employees.


At least the original manager owned up to his mistake. I just hope the manager who yelled at you apologizes because it certainly isn't your fault.

Save the voicemail!! It'll save your ass!

Anytime my work gives me the day off I don't answer their calls the rest of the day because I know they want me to come deal with bullshit (I listen to the messages to make sure it's not an emergency). I wouldn't have came in and just said I had driven too far away to make it back.