Great planning

By TheBaconater - 03/02/2013 16:22 - United States - Baraboo

Today, I woke up to a voicemail from my manager saying I had the day off. Excited, I made plans with my friends. A few minutes ago I got a call from my other manager yelling at me for not showing up, and the original manager revealed he had me confused with another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 782
You deserved it 2 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the boss confesses to making a mistake, you should be forgiven

Good grief, one should think a bit of internal communication isn't too much to ask before they start yelling at the employees.


imjusthungry 8

I'm wondering exactly why your username is TheBaconater though, OP.

Because its an awesome name I expect. Simply because it contains the word bacon.

perdix 29

I have the feeling a bunch of customers are going to get food that has been spit in, even though they don't deserve it. The warm, mucus-y crossfire of a labor dispute.

kaymi 17

That's their bad, at my job once they call you off it's a done deal; they can't force you to come. Hope that's a lesson learned for them.

Well at least the other manager owned up to it. Sounds like you'll be ok OP.

KiddNYC1O 20

Good gravy. Awful communication with managers. Always.

How does OP deserved to be yelled at? If I woke up with a voicemail from my boss telling me not to bother going in, and that I have a day off, I am not going to question his authority.

upside: you have friends to make plans with

If I got that message i'd save it, make plans with my friends then go back to sleep for a few hours with my phone off