Great timing

By Carrie - 08/05/2013 05:41 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, my water broke while my boyfriend was breaking up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 686
You deserved it 7 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You poor thing. I hope he had the decency to take you to the hospital and call whomever needed to be notified. Even if things don't work out, don't let this take away the fact that you just brought a beautiful life into this world. Everything will work out, whether he will be a part of your life or not. Congratulations on motherhood, OP.

Breaking up with a 9 month pregnant lady. All class this guy.


YourVoiceofReasn 6

"I'm breaking up with you." "YOU WOULDN'T BREAK UP WITH THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILD!" *gives birth*

Sweetpea22 14

OP, I hope you make the douchebag pay child support.

hateevryone 14

Put him on child support. That'll show him.

DorkAlert 10

What a catch. I wish you luck in future endeavors, OP.

PenguinPower 8

Who breaks up with somebody when they are 9 months pregnant?

Someone who just found out it's not his baby?

Sweetpea22 14

Happens more than you think, even with married couples

Your boyfriend must be one of a kind

I love how everyone is calling him a dick like he did it because her water broke. Maybe she even deserved it.

DestroyerEndsU 6

if u need a break...grab a twix