Grief is weird

By Anonymous - 31/08/2013 16:12 - United States - Modesto

Today, my boyfriend's freshly-repainted car got keyed. He's literally more of an inconsolable wreck now than he was when his own mother passed away last year. When I tried hinting that he was overreacting, he told me to go to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 408
You deserved it 9 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't **** with a man's car... Because I'm sure it wasn't cheap.

It's amazing what people put at the top of their priority lists when it comes to reacting...


ghil15 8

why do girls cant understand why man loves der car!

shaww 28

Why do girls not understand why men love their car* Learn at least SOME grammar

Awful grammar aside, I don't understand it either. Sure, value your special possessions and all that, but don't drama queen over it, especially to the point where you have a stronger emotional response to it being slightly damaged than the one you have to your mom kicking the bucket.

ghil15 8

is this a ******* school? if u dont like what i wrote den shut the **** up!

spekledworf 18

it's not just a guy thing. Some guys don't care about their car. And then there's girls like me that car more about how their car looks than their makeup

I would assume that the crying over the car has more to do with having a shitty year (his mom dying, car being keyed, insensitive girlfriend) than the car itself.

#72: This is why you rock and all those purse and heel wearing, fruity drink drinking girly girls sometimes bore men. Just saying.

Dean would never take Baby being damaged as hard as losing his mom. Or anyone apart of his family.

HeadlessSparrow 20

Exactly. But i mean the impala is a great car:

Maybe he wasn't very close with his mom? And maybe he saved money for a Kong time both to buy the car and to fix it. I'd be pissed too if someone damaged something I worked for for a long time.

Could not have said it better myself.

olpally 32

Valuing a car more over your mother's passing? The ****? :/ that's just pathetic.

It's a ******* dark day when I find myself agreeing with Olpally! But it's true, sadly.

What makes y'all think he was close to his mother? Not all people are close to their mother.

Grieving is a fundamental part of human psychology. Plenty of people do it even over abusive parents. Besides which, going all inconsolable over a car being keyed is overreaction to the max. Annoyed? Yeah. Pissed off? Yeah. Borderline grieving? No.

monnanon 13

maybe its transference. he didnt deal with his mothers death at the time so he is doing so now.

It's all about how the OP perceives her bf though. Maybe he just wasn't as outwardly expressive as he is now, which would make sense if he was lost in memories about his mother. From the post, it sounds like it's possible this emotion is closer to rage while the former situation could have been grief - which would make perfect sense.

I sobbed like a baby when my Mustang was hit in a parking lot. It isn't fun when people damage your expensive property that you put a lot of time and thought into caring for. That said, he probably cared more for his mom even if he didn't show it.

Looks like someone car-es too much about their car!

"A car is a privlage, respect it." Armor All commercial. You must not care about your car at all.

Exactly! "Don't **** with another man's vehicle" ~Pulp Fiction Also don't judge him. People grieve death their own way.

Helpfully pointing out that he was overreacting probably made him feel a lot better about himself. You sound like an excellent support.

TheDrifter 23

To be fair, his mothers passing might not have been unexpected, his grief had time to prepare for it. An attack on a man's car is like an attack on his child, it's totally defenseless.