Grossed out

By ChePow - 20/08/2011 18:26 - Canada

Today, a stripper came into my work to get some posters copied. She asked if she could pay in small bills. I just touched $50 that have probably rubbed up against a stripper's twat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 520
You deserved it 6 531

Same thing different taste


schaflava 0

Hey boy what's all the racket? Do you scream like Clijsters?

fadedflyer16 0

That's probly the most action you'll get


You know you loved it. And probably wanked to the posters she made.

Flora_fml 6

As the OP is a female, how do you think she "wanked"?

Some girls can wank... But that's a whole different type of "girl" alltogether.

Flora_fml 6

ChePow is a "woman". Says so right at the top. Those of you saying that's the closest to a ****** she'll ever be probably need to realize she's already got one. Pay attention before you post!

schaflava 0

-98 we didn't know you were so stupid either but were not complaining about it

thank god someone finally cleared that up, that was getting anoying !

What if she is a lesbian ?. She wuld hav enjoyed it then

schaflava 0

Says the lebron fan por vida

aFatFuck 0

Don't you talk to Bill Murray like that

dubstep87 0

More has been done with those bills then just touching a snatch, someone probably snorted coke or wiped there ass sweat.!

Have you ever wiped ass sweat with any sort of paper money? That's just weird...

DomoLaDii 8

As long as she didn't have a penis, I don't see the problem here.

oops_im_fucked 8

The problem Is that op (who is a girl) just touched bills that most likely Touched another females STD filled ******...

thebestofboth 20

I think you misunderstand what a stripper is, they are not prostitutes and there fore do not have sex with men who attend the strip club unless it is outside of work. If they have an STD, it is completely unwork-related

You can always, you know, wash your hands.