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By Bob - 22/11/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I went to the orthodontist. The lady took a break and went to use the restroom. Apparently she didn't bother to take her gloves off, and they smelled like straight up pee. She had her hands in my mouth for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 590
You deserved it 8 475

Same thing different taste


amanda_say_whutt 9

I dunno about you, but I would of straight up said something. That's nasty.

pie29302930 0

******* sue them, then find a new dentist. Lmao

bulgeinmypants 0
akg98 13
tjv3 10

YDI if you didn't say something

leogirl95 12

Oh my god, that's disgusting...sue them!

blackheart24 10

I totally woulda said something to that bitch. That's ****** nasty.

XenaWP 6

The people who are saying "sue them" are idiots.. Yes she should have washed her hands, but OP should have said something. Maybe you could bring it up with the main practitioner to reinforce hygiene procedures. No need to try and take down a whole company because of one incident/person. Those that are sue-happy don't think of the repercussions for others in that surgery..

JayBear14 11

159- Pee is sterile last I heard. Unless the woman has some type of disease that can be passed through urine.

topie_fml 6

Please tell me that you had an orbit afterwards.

monkeys1315 0

I think it is sterile until it hits oxygen or something like that

It's not the smell that will give you AIDS.

thesunsetglow_fml 8
Sathian 0

Everyone, go to It's pretty much the same site. Honestly, it's pathetic that you guys complain about small problems most of the time. I understand that some of the posts are serious problems but there was one like, "My husband threw a snowball at me when I was on the toilet." Really? You'll get over it in 5 minutes. Man the **** up and stop complaining.

Penises_are_fun 0

Everyone, go to It's pretty much the same site. Honestly, it's pathetic that you guys complain about small problems most of the time. I understand that some of the posts are serious problems but there was one like, "My husband threw a snowball at me when I was on the toilet." Really? You'll get over it in 5 minutes. Man the **** up and stop complaining.

Penises_are_fun 0

Everyone, go to It's pretty much the same site. Honestly, it's pathetic that you guys complain about small problems most of the time. I understand that some of the posts are serious problems but there was one like, "My husband threw a snowball at me when I was on the toilet." Really? You'll get over it in 5 minutes. Man the **** up and stop complaining.

Penises_are_fun 0

Everyone, go to It's pretty much the same site. Honestly, it's pathetic that you guys complain about small problems most of the time. I understand that some of the posts are serious problems but there was one like, "My husband threw a snowball at me when I was on the toilet." Really? You'll get over it in 5 minutes. Man the **** up and stop complaining.

Pee is sterile she was just using it to clean off the gloves after dealing with your dirty mouth! This really should read "Today, I put my dentist through hell due to me not properly taking care of my oral hygiene. FHL" ^.^

Bear Grylls would be in heaven if this happened to him

herpitydurteedur 0

Pee may be sterile, but last I checked vaginal fluids and sweat weren't :/

bamagrl410 31

It's ironic that I'm sitting in the chair at the dentist while reading this. Now I'm slightly afraid...

ZebcoGirl 0

Ahh hell no. I wouldnt have let her get anywhere near me with those hands. Thats disgusting. I cant believe OP would even let her finish doing his teeth when he knew that..

pee is only sterile until it hits the air.

magnetic_aura 26

Pee is not sterile, unfortunately!

4everblackjack 10

Ugh agree, couldn't you have told her to wash her hands? :3

A boner from gloves that smell like pee? I think not, unless OP is into some weird fetish. Still.. Ew.

I'm making a reference to a recent fml. I agree. That would be abnormal to become sexually aroused at urine covered latex inside ones mouth.

Op kind of deserves it for not saying anything though.

Maybe OP is the guy who was licking the dental assistants fingers who was wearing flavored gloves and she was doing it as revenge?

I know what I'm asking next time I go to the dentists.

Who doesn't love someone who corrects what they aren't sure of!?

That's because taste is something like 70% or higher smell

kieran247 0

Everyone, go to It's pretty much the same site. Honestly, it's pathetic that you guys complain about small problems most of the time. I understand that some of the posts are serious problems but there was one like, "My husband threw a snowball at me when I was on the toilet." Really? You'll get over it in 5 minutes. Man the **** up and stop complaining.

Here is an idea.. Why didn't YOU ask her to change her gloves?

LittleAngel12 5
valdancer99 0

Im gunna take a wild guess here and say.. Pee?

valdancer99 0

I don't recall knowing the taste of pee. Maybe that's just me.

Well if you asked Bob from Texas what her hand tasted like, he would probably say pee too!!!!

You can ask Bear Grylls how pee tastes like too you know ;)

Did you know that when you smell things, you're actually tasting them too? For instance, in preschool, they had us chew on an apple and smell cinnamon, which resulted in the flavor of cinnamon apples. Yeah. . . Think of that next time you smell someone's fart. ;)

Did you guys also see the one where he whacks off in to a snake skin and drinks it? Now that's mmm mmm good.

me_gusta_eso 1

Yeah but I think common sense tell us that pee doesn't taste very good? Maybe that's just me.

FeroniaMoonscyth 2

Jeebus. Thanks pal - you took away my appetite. Bleccchhhh

StopDropNRoll 11

But it's hard to say something with a hand in your mouth. Also what if he was numbed out its hard to talk when you can't feel half your face

Marcella1016 31

To everyone else except 65 - exactly

Have you never been to a dentist, 65? You can put up a finger and the dentist / hygienist / orthodontist will stop. Also, numbing doesn't interfere with talking all that much.

65- if someone had pis hands in your mouth, I'm pretty positive you're going to make your mouth open no matter how hard..

StopDropNRoll 11

True it's cause the last time I went to the dentist my mouth was all retarded an I had a hard time rising. But I was able to talk -_-

RawrGoesTheDino4 0

I just got my braces tightened and your aloud to make a noise raise a finger etc.. And the orthodontist will stop and ask you what's wrong and they only numb your mouth fro actually putting on the brackets not for tightening

It's pretty hard to speak with a hand in your mouth

I did not notice this was already said, so I thumb myself down in disgrace

I did not notice this was already said, so I thumb myself down in disgrace

130 - there are other ways to get attention and communicate, if it bothered op enough, and/or if op had a backbone, he would've tried.

KRS_13 0

OP probably tried but she had her hands in their mouth. We've all been to the dentist at least once (most likely right?) and we know it's hard to talk with hands in your mouth.

RawrGoesTheDino4 0

274 there's alternate methods to communicating at a dentist orthodontist

hugs1976 0

And as everyone else is saying, OP could have raised a finger or hand to signal to the dentist to stop. I don't know a dentist out there that wouldn't allow the patient to tell them something is uncomfortable. OP may not have had the guts to make the dentist change their gloves.

chickenwalrus 14
kkbaby3 0

i love you like a love song baby

It makes me want to throw up on her.. On purpose.

Why does mainstream music have to be such garbage?????? WHY!!!???

Mewzakuro240 0

161- SOME PEOPLE WANNA FILL THE WORLD WITH SILLY LOVE SONGS! And what's wrong with that? I'd like to know. Cause here I go... *could actually do the rest, and won't.*

That's ******* disgusting. I hope you filed a complaint.

beagle351 0

I would too. If I asked for the bubblegum flavor and got pee instead, I would have some strong words for the owner.

BluuGirl 4