Hairy situation

By Kelly - 02/03/2009 23:38 - United States

Today, I went to get my underarms waxed. I'm usually not self-conscious because I figure they see worse stuff all the time. When I raised my arm for her to wax my armpit she looked at me, laughed and said, "Well I guess that's how I know it's winter in Wisconsin!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 021
You deserved it 9 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Usually, waxers try to make people comftable, and making jokes is a nice way. I've seen people say "omg i could go camp in there" so you see And #5, being offended is not against the law, just laugh out loud a big time and let it go ;)

lol. at least it's off now? This is another "Someone had a sense of humour and I didn't" FML. But I feel for yah, underarm hair is not something people like to be made fun of for :$


kaylala_is_fly 0

i live in wisconsin.. i hate it. im pissed that its still ******* snowing!! no matter how light D:

11, I live in Tucson it's only 40 on the very coldest winter days but usually around 65 right now haha!

XsianinvasionX 0

haha I live in California and the coldest it gets is around 70

I live in Canada, ******* *******. We still have snow in May.

Beaver pits? Sounds like a great nickname.

tannerk 0

I live in Wisconsin as well. It sucks...

XD hahahahahahahahahahahaha! You must have glued mink coats to your arm pits.... hahahahahahaha

It's disgusting when a girl has armpit hair... ew

irule24 0

well, I live in Wisconsin. and in winters, all girls ever wear are pants and longsleevess. sit'sts not like anyone really sees it anyways. sorry. nobody Wisconsinsin really shaves in the winteIt's kindainda a waste of tof atm.

i hate those awkward comments where you have to pause because you dont know what to say and you would much rather slap them in the face... and lawlz at #19

you hsould look up normal human grooming habits and take notes