Hairy situation

By Kelly - 02/03/2009 23:38 - United States

Today, I went to get my underarms waxed. I'm usually not self-conscious because I figure they see worse stuff all the time. When I raised my arm for her to wax my armpit she looked at me, laughed and said, "Well I guess that's how I know it's winter in Wisconsin!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 021
You deserved it 9 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Usually, waxers try to make people comftable, and making jokes is a nice way. I've seen people say "omg i could go camp in there" so you see And #5, being offended is not against the law, just laugh out loud a big time and let it go ;)

lol. at least it's off now? This is another "Someone had a sense of humour and I didn't" FML. But I feel for yah, underarm hair is not something people like to be made fun of for :$


TheOrpheus 0

tell her that she gets paid to wax not to talk

uhhh big high fives to the sconnie girls with arm pit hair. hell yeah. guys that think armpit hair is not a problem, get up here

JohnnyNorth 0

If your from Wisco, than ya know that no one shaves during the winter. Its just to cold. Girls don't wear anything revealing. Men are all deer hunting. What do you want from us?

kissmeimkati 0

Seriously, there's nothing gross about underarm hair. It's natural and it doesn't mean someone is dirty. Doesn't mean you have to like it, but it's not GROSS. I would have been really annoyed too, especially if I'd never met the esthetician before. It's rude to comment on someone's appearance like that. I'm picturing if I went in to get my hair cut... no hair dresser worth her salt would say, "Yeah, clearly it needs cut." I mean, you're there... why drive home the point? It makes you feel bad.

i totally understand. i feel waxers are frequently rude and say things like that... probably because they have to wax people for a living.

Live in Minnesota I don't mind when its cold if the wife let's the underarms grow a bit its ******* cold here. Coughing up hairballs gets a little old though(I kid I kid)

Next time just go to a hairdresser and see if you can get a 2 for one special to get them ***** braided

bsneeze 0

I live in Wisconsin as well...It's freezing here and you need all the heat you can get haha

savesam 0

cant you just shave it?lol.