
By hamsterlovinn - 06/06/2009 05:51 - United States

Today, we got my brother a pet hamster because he has trouble making friends. We thought a hamster would be a good way to teach him about caring for others. I walked into the room and the hamster was hanging from the ceiling. Turns out there's a reason my brother doesn't have friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 120
You deserved it 5 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i_live2fly 0

OMFG that is one ****** up kid!!!!!!!!

Ya, that's gonna be a little problem. Most serial killers have a history of harming animals as children. You should seriously seek some professional help for him.


killuhb 0

Keep a close eye on him... Cause he might be trying to warn you that he has a shittty life and needs help.

Omg! That's terrible! Get him a doctor! Or kill him!

Maybe get professional help??? just a suggestion

SunnyNBright 0

That is sad and disturbing, he needs to see professional help. =

Serial killers have a history of No social life Animal abuse So don't get him more pets

thats ******* messed up, Get him some help.. Before he like grows up to be a serial killer or however you spell it,..

hanoj 0

oh shit you're brothers kinda messed up...

Have you ever seen the Adams family? :]