
By Anonymous - 06/03/2011 18:15 - Sweden

Today, my girlfriend was giving me a handjob in the shower. As I was reaching climax, my mom walked by the bathroom door and started talking to me. My girlfriend didn't stop, and in order to distract from the situation at hand, I had to carry on the conversation with my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 886
You deserved it 11 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The situation........ *puts on cool glasses" ......at hand. YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH


A handy in the shower of all places? Water is the worst lube.

not everyone is from the states and cut.

ruby84 1

shower jell? soap? conditioner? you're not very creative lol

LOL try soap as a lube, haha So you can come back and write your own fml!

haha what were u talking to your mam about then??

about how she sorry that she keeps **** blocking and she's sorry xD

you should have locked the door, but that still sucks.

BlackHoleSuns 0

Since when does locking a door make it sound proof?! The mom did not walk in to the bathroom. Whether the door was locked or not is irrelevant. The mom was talking to him from the other side of the door.

25 is right and you guys are idiots for not reading the Dam thing right before commenting

I'm pretty sure if the mom walked in his gf would stop...

wendyyyy 0

25 - what's with all of your lengthy defensive comments? I do hope you have/look into a career in politics .... seems like you love a debate.

#120: I'm not implying that I do not write the longest, most ridiculous rambles ever, but how, in any realm, is 25's comment lengthy? It's barely more than 2 lines.

AwesomessMaximus 4

Today, I got a handjob. FML. Boo-hoo, suck it up princess, at least you're getting some.

someone's desperate... thats not th point!! you probably read up till "giving me a handjob" and said "what could possibly go wrong with a handjob?"

I'm pretty sure the mom was talking through the door, locking it wouldn't have done anything

oh sadness! this was supposed to be a reply to #15

ThickHead 0

if your mom knows bout you an gf sexually active just yell out your having sex, if not yell at your busy then she just think your masturbating if those don't work for ya, just say your getting shampoo in your eye an you can't talk right now.

tzb13 1

um, what? I couldn't understand half of that.

misa08 0

ummm theres somethin u should have done mmmmm what is called oh yea LOCK the DOOR duh

what if the door doesn't lock. my bathroom door doesn't have a lock on it.

what if the FML never said anything about the mom walking in ...

ummm there's something you should have done hmmmmmmm I think it's called re-reading the fml and comment dumb........ass

Hey retards. As it turns out, locking the door doesn't make it soundproof. His mother was talking to him from the outside in. So shove your nasty comments up your ass for once, or at least learn to read before you comment. That being said, sorry op. You shouldn't have replied and played it off as though the water made it hard to hear anything. FYL, but seriously, it was avoidable if you were creative.

Learning to read isn't the problem. It's the sad lack of reading comprehension that is to blame. Seriously, WTF are the nitwits learning at school? This is as basic as reading comprehension gets.

Unless you sneaked your girlfriend into the house just to shower with you, I'm pretty sure your mom knew the two of you weren't just being totally innocent in there in the shower together. She probably did it on purpose. You should've just gone with it.

petite_amber150 0

If that's kinky then you my dear have bad taste. >.>