Happy New Leg

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, instead of spending New Year's Eve having a romantic night out with my fiancé as we'd planned, I'm spending it sitting beside him in the hospital because his friends convinced him to go off-road ghost-riding in the dead of night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 563
You deserved it 4 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImWhiteBoy_WhoRU 10

Think very hard before you reproduce with this man


He should be more responsible, FYL and FHL.

I'm really sorry. FYL indeed. Happy new year...

I'm so sorry happy new year!hope he gets better

Better not add bad commenting to the gene pool

tuffykat 8

don't know what that is but I hope he is not in critical condition and that this did not stem from drinking and driving. have a blessed 2014. ,

Ghost Riding was a bad enough idea, but off road Ghost Riding?

Did you at least kiss him as the ball dropped?

JMichael 25

No she she was so drunk she kisses someone else.