He's got the moves

By beccav23 - 25/10/2011 16:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to viciously rip off my thong. My ass crack is numb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 395
You deserved it 7 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blackmail111 9

He's climbin in yo windows..snatchin yo people up

Hmm i wonder why he wanted your ass crack numb....


InvisibleMonster_fml 16

He probably cracked up, but he has a shitty sence of humor

Klur0 0
tdub10 2

Lol... Thong are over rated anyways. Boy shorts are way hotter on chicks.

U should stop wherein panties altogether. ;-)

corrinalee3 0

Personally if it was me it would be a major turn on if it didn't hurt or it didn't go up my ass u should be used to it if u wear thongs. WEDGY WORLD