Hello, goodbye

By Joey - 07/05/2009 22:39 - United States

Today, my wife of three years asked me to meet her for lunch at Subway. When I arrived, she was standing in the parking lot. She handed me a footlong sub, said "I got you a turkey sandwich" and followed it up with "And I'm leaving you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 155
You deserved it 5 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OUCHH!!! But hey, at least you got a footlong.... or maybe you don't and that's why she's leaving you? Think about it... All kidding set aside, FYL

Could have been worse. She could have ended things without giving you a turkey sandwich. And then where would you be!


At least she was honest in telling you and did it face to face. Possibly could have broached the subject better, but it sounds like it was a distant 3 years within marriage. Both gotta be happy for it to work!

wow dude what a bitch if thats the way to end a marriage this world is really fd up FYL

How was the sandwich? Think that's what I'm getting for lunch today. That or Chicago style hot dogs from the street vendors. Mmm.

that's really sad, but think about it, your wife wouldn't do that if she wasn't unhappy. you should have seen it coming

You got a free sandwich AND you don't have to be married anymore. You may call that an FML, but that would be one of the best days of my life!

It could be worse... your wife could have left you without buying you a sub first.

That's kind of a cool way to end it. Well, compared to other ways. Either way, though I don't know the specifics, that must suck.

Least you got a subway out of it =P I'm craving subway now..

I guess she wanted a foot long instead of a six inch!