
By spasticock - 19/08/2012 18:09 - Portugal - Barreiro

Today, I climbed the tree in my backyard so I could cut off some stray branches. I ended up getting stuck, and instead of immediately getting help, my wife started laughing and recording me. The video is now circulating on Facebook, and my new nickname is "Hawkeye." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 384
You deserved it 3 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does that old saying go? Oh yeah - Learn to laugh at yourself, because everyone else is laughing at you already, jackass. I may be paraphrasing.


Psych101 9

I know a kid whose nickname is "BearClaw." You don't even wanna know how he got it.

perdix 29

Same goes for the kid we called "Goat ******." Don't even ask me, because I'm not going to tell.

25- I knew a kid named eggplant once. It had nothin to do with him being large and purple.

SlayerElite 1

I knew a man named Titty, guess why. I dare you.

Louis0785 4

People call me Snow White because of my white skin.

Psych101 9

25- Sounds like American Pie: Beta House.

I have a friend whose nickname is Horse Boner.

One of my friend's uncle's nickname was Tickles.

I think 41 takes the metaphorical cake.

... And that's what I did over the summer. Essay done

25- That's odd... my brother knows someone called "Goat ******"! Don't wanna get into how he got that nickname either. My special nickname is Katniss as I'm quite skilled with a bow and arrow :-O But that's not bad.... or is it? *dun dun dunnn*

11- You're wrong, I most definitely want to know.

Oh wait. Only the top bit of that was a response to perdix. The rest was a reply to this thread... Silly me!

kenzieraina 0

One of my ex's was nicknamed "Spankey". Hahah it's a really ridiculous story that I won't say on here.

zuzupetalsYO 11

33-no. That's not why. It's because we know about you and the seven little people...

I had a buddy we nicknamed MC Hammer. MC stood for "moose ****." He hated it.

perdix 29

#86, better "moose ****" than "mouse ****," I always say!

Must be a damn tall tree if you couldn't just hop down. Then again, why wouldn't you use safety gear if that was the case?

1 2 3 4 you must declare war. Get her back OP.

Could be worse, you could be known as señor pigeon. Prrrrrr!

perdix 29

Somehow, you are like an Iowan or Alan Alda's character from M*A*S*H? It must be a Portuguese thing.

I had a curious Freudian crush on Alan Alda growing up, experiencing some regression in the midst of this post.

perdix 29

#27, it's easy to explain. Alan Alda has a cleft on the tip of his nose, so when you look at his face, you see this tiny little ass on his nose and everyone love asses! If ALF made you wet, there's also a straightforward explanation for that.

They are just jealous! You are now a renounced member of the Avengers. It seems your arch nemesis has tricked you and has pretended to be your wife all these years! WHAT A TWIST

weasel123 9

I think you mean "renowned member."

perdix 29

Absolutely! You shouldn't have to be with a sadistic lesbian.

21- why on god's green earth would the OP take relationship advice from an obviously lifelong bachelor?