Horror movie

By ihatevideos - 16/03/2009 23:08 - United States

Today, I was sifting through my parents old home movies. I put in one and was horrified to see my parents having sex. I immediately ejected the tape and looked at the label. It said "Bermuda, 1989." They've told me I was conceived in Bermuda around that time. I've seen my own conception. FML
I agree, your life sucks 194 754
You deserved it 37 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually it's kind of cool. Not many people can say, that they've seen their own creation. : )

dvb77 0

Oh god, that's horrific. Ughhhh, I'd want to throw up


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kagome3124 0

do the math, its '09 and she's born in '89 20 is definitely old enough to watch **** and what does age have to do with anything??

timnew1108 0

A sick little part of me thinks that's kind of awesome. Hahaha

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Now you can say you saw the "making of"

pink64_fml 0

really #13? mental math he's 20

shadydogman 0
shadydogman 0

and LMAO #18 Im backing you up