Hypocrite much?

By sonofahypocriticalwhore - 07/12/2012 17:06 - United States

Today, my mom bitched me out and threatened to send me to a Bible camp, after catching me admiring a photo of a bikini model, which is apparently "immoral behavior." This is the same woman who cheated on my dad twice, justifying it by claiming the Devil tempted her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 609
You deserved it 2 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hypocrites at their finest. Anything is okay for them to do with their religion as their excuse but as soon as someone else does it they're immoral, hellbound people.

I hear there are lots of naughty, naughty girls at bible camp.


All I got from the bible is that women are unclean, gays are evil and it's okay to stab your neighbour for touching your stuff. It says that. (obvious horseshit!) If you follow things dogmatically, then the original message can be interpreted any way the reader wishes and misconstrued. I think this is a prime example. Sucks to be you kid.

Well since giving into temptation is sin, she is just bullshitting herself. And the Bible doesn't say women are unclean, the Pharisees and teachers of the Law do. The Pharisees and teachers were what are known as fundamentalists. They took every word of the Old Testament part of the Bible as law and Science. Jesus, however, taught to treat women equally and to not take the Old Testament as total truth. That is the problem some people have, they don't realize that the Old Testament is symbolic not literal. Just a little religion lesson I'll probably get thumbed down for. By the way I call it the Old Testament, back then it was known as the Torah or the Pentateuch.

I'm sort-of-a-Christian, and I see the Bible as a chronical of humanity's pursuit of God, not necessarily God's absolute word. The Law of Moses was established by Moses, not God like the Ten Commandments were, and has a lot of things I don't think the loving and just God I know would condone. The New Testament is more palatable, but it still has anti-homosexual and sexist verses that I don't agree with. I think God gave us brains for a reason. It's up to us to figure out what we believe and have faith that God is just and loving and cares more about the condition of our hearts than our theological beliefs.

"This one time, at bible camp" you could say

Daze619 3

It's a good thing Travis Marshall ended up on my table..

Religion is not an excuse for bad behavior but your mom tries to make it one

Like I tell my son: "Do as I say, not as I do". But then, he reminds me I am a lawyer, and I wish he finds better role models.

Your mother is a hypocrite. Go love with your dad if your parents are divorced. My mom was the same way, and believe me, life with my dad was awesome!

just use the same excuse then... it should work both ways.

Hence, more reasons that religion is a joke. Anything except accepting responsibility. Just say the devil looks sexy in a bikini.

Oh I just love ignorant people who are too dumb to grasp the concept of religion so they call it a joke.