I believe it was I who said…

By unfortunate - 25/04/2012 04:50 - Sweden

Today, I was so lonely that I had a conversation with myself on my way home. It was only when I reached my apartment complex that I discovered that my neighbour had been walking behind me, laughing to himself the whole way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 110
You deserved it 10 479

Same thing different taste


Big deal! If I dont have my ipod on (which i usually don't), I start whispering songs from my playlist (usually the anime ones in japanese). Tell your neighbour not to follow you like that anymore, because thats just creepy.

23chicagobulls01 0

Something similar happened to me the other night. I was out with the dog, talking to myself only to turn around and see a guy standing across the river from me, probably listening to me talk to myself.

And you couldn't pass it off as talking into a Bluetooth? YDI. Oh, yeah. You were answering your own sides of the convo out loud. YDI.

I'd laugh at you too, you've got to realise how pathetic that is? Do something about it; positive life choices or bottle of painkillers, your choice.

BadGirl03 0

BAHAHA thats hilarious! You can't blame him. I'd be busting up too.

deransc 19

Wear a bluetooth device and have half the conversation in your head from now on lol

yzzami 17

Make up something. Like "I'm practicing for a drama class I'm taking"