I don't get paid enough for this

By Anonymous - 05/10/2010 09:41 - United States

Today, I was at work on a smoke break. I work at a truck stop, and it was around 2 a.m. Some old man pulled in and asked me if I would like to join him for some dinner. I said no, and told him I was working. He replied, "How much do you charge?" Apparently, even in sweats I look like a hooker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 365
You deserved it 6 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Not even sweats can hide all that sexy!

FYLDeep 25

Here's one reason to quit smoking that you probably never thought of up until now. The list is apparently never-ending.


KilIjoy 0

did you get hot and sweaty? :)

KVKdragon 26

time to shave, brush/floss your teeth, scrub your face, and refresh your wardrobe. doing all that should help improve your public image

One night at about 3am my friend and I saw some black girl at a gas station who appeared to be no older than 15 at best. As a joke I hollered at her: "hey, how much for head?" She answered so fast it was scary: "AX YO MOMMA DAT!!"

killabee 0

Harassing a 15yr old in the middle of the night, hilarious. :-/

Lmfao I thought it was a butt too at first.

April.. did you write this? if so; you are a ***** and tell him you don't need to be paid to be plowed

sourgirl101 28

Did he want to pay you with early bird coupons?


it's not that you look like a hooker, its that you're ugly enough to be a "lot lizard".

ye you might be right, lookin at your picture tells me you know a lot about being ugly...

#77 Don't be a jerk. She's not ugly at all!

77- Reading your comment tells me you know a lot about being a douchebag.

xicano 0

did you give him a senior discount?...lol