In the mood

By Steve - 16/12/2012 06:25 - United States - Oshkosh

Today, my girlfriend and I were in the mood for something different. So we decided to have sex in the shower. When we were finished I heard a voice outside the door asking if we needed a towel. It was my mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 820
You deserved it 18 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daringtoride 27

WHY would you have sex in the shower when there was a chance your mum or dad would be home, come home early, etc? Goodness.


That's why you should always do it on the kitchen table.

Pretty cool? A pretty cool mom would mind her own shit and not lurk by the shower door listening to her own son have sex.

TwoOneFive 11

There's 3 rules you should know if your gonna have sex with your parents in the house. 1st, do it quietly.2nd, don't take off all your clothes. 3rd, make sure your parents are busy!! Hope this helps for next time

BubbleGrunge 18

I'm not really sure why everyone is so up in arms about OP having sex when someone else is in the house. Most people have sex when the mood strikes; and don't act like you've never had sex with your parents/kids/sibling/someone else in the house as well. Personally, I don't see the big problem here OP besides a little embarrassment. At least your mom seems pretty chill about things.

sweetmama88 6

It sure was different alright .

If I were your mom I'd go flush the toilet 30 times. YDI

Kg317 18

Doesn't matter still had sex :p

sammyjanette 17

There are some truly brave people in this world. I would never have the balls to have sex in my mother's house even if I was married.