In vain

By bcf1234 - 15/10/2010 04:06 - United States

Today, I waited in line at Subway. There were two people in front of me. The first lady had seven sandwiches and the second lady had four. So after patiently waiting, I ordered my sandwich, only to have my credit card declined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 680
You deserved it 12 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Fat people have excellent credit. Is that the moral of the story?


how is this even an fml oh no! I didn't get a sandwich suck it up princess

fsx925 0

why would you not know how much availability you have on your card???

You didn't miss out. I just had a meatball sub from there yesterday that I painfully regretted soon after eating it. Sharts = not fun.

once a lady in front of me at subway was a freak she needed three shakes of salt on one side of the tomato and 3 shakes on the other and stuff like that and then the dude got mad and just said "take ur dang sandwich!"

liberals suck;) there's more right wing trolling ************! liberals should die :)

izzah98 10

First,why the hell would you wanna use a credit card just for a sandwich. Second,Bring cash.

Kelzy0 7

it really must have sucked for the person behind you