
By Lauren - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my husband declined a $100k/year job due to him thinking that a full-time job at one work place would be too "depressing." I'm a nurse and have to wipe other people's arses for a living, then come home to this lazy dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 089
You deserved it 8 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCVelvet1497 3

And you married him because ...


Either get rid of him or refuse to support him. You don't want to have children in that kin of situation if you don't have them already. My mother is a nurse and my father makes much less than my mom and has never tried to get a better job to make a higher salary and she has a lot of resentment toward him because of that. You don't want to do that to yourself.

AriadneBelle 3

Wait, the husband is expected to make more money than the wife or she'll resent him for it? Glad to see that whole "equality" thing's working out.

ramband2009 0

Divorce. Not only is he lazy, he's a moron so just leave his dumb ass.

It really isn't. Compared to people making less, yes. However, in today's economy, $100k per year isn't as much as it used to be. ^^ Supposed to be a reply. Though I see that the FML team listened to requests to allow the app to edit comments just like the site, though. It's about time.

Pixxio_O 11

Don't pay for his food and hide his **** till he gets a job :)

jeob1992 8

My friend has a boyfriend and she hates that dick

SesameSpeed 7

Leave him for a few weeks to prove to him that you can be stronger without him and that he needs you. That will probably get him off his ass.

mario1992 0'am leave his sorry ass.