
By Lauren - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my husband declined a $100k/year job due to him thinking that a full-time job at one work place would be too "depressing." I'm a nurse and have to wipe other people's arses for a living, then come home to this lazy dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 089
You deserved it 8 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCVelvet1497 3

And you married him because ...


and whose fault is it that that's what you come home to everyday? o yeah, yours!

Girl change the locks or threaten to leave him you don't gave to put up with him

HondaKidd 5
LittlexSparrow 0

And yet you continue to let this happen. YDI for being a needy dumb bitch

Doesn't the CNA do the ass wiping? If you are a nurse and are having to do that then fyl! you need a new husband too.

wriptidez 0

tell him we think hes nuts and to take thejob

You married him, you knew what you got urself into when u said "I DO"