Insult to injury

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my girlfriend of 3 years left me for a guy whose favorite color is camouflage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 238
You deserved it 5 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably not. His favorite instrument is probably the radio.


What's wrong with camo? I love it. I'm also glad there are other people that feel camo is a color ;)

The OP had a girlfriend. she left him for an idiot. the idiot thinks that camofluage is a color, that it obviesly isn't. Camouflage is not a color.

Ultimate_Cynic 0

Sorry, OP, but you haven't provided enough background info for me to properly deduce who's really the douchenozzle in this scenario. For all we know, you treated her like shit and cheated on her all the time. I've known serious Good-Ol'-Boy redneck dumbasses who still managed to treat their women really well. So unless you're willing to provide that information, STFU and enjoy your freedom.

well, cammo is one of the most popular "colors". ask anyone in the south. here in Arkansas you can't get away from the stuff. I've even seen cammo braces!

Dude she is just as dumb. Maybe try set Paris Hilton with camo guy... Their kids would be Geniuses!!

You know, I keep coming on here waiting to be dissapointed but you guys never show any sign of slowing down... I don't know if I should say keep up the good work or stop posting on this site.