
By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, my sister bought my five year-old son a giant ant farm for his birthday. We set it in the living room on a table. I went into the kitchen for a minute, and when I walked back in to the living room, my son was holding the empty case over his head, smiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 179
You deserved it 7 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I cannot even begin to think of how that might be a good present for a five year old. Your sister fails -__-


EveryDayJackAss 0
RubixMonkey 0

i think this was the dumbest gift to give a child. Get a fish for the kid. I don't get why people give their darlings ants and crickets and wonder why they have an infestation later.

dear god, FML has got to be the best form of birth control ever. not that i EVER wanted kids in the first place, but hearing all these endless stories about those vile little creatures and the things they do really cements it for me.

unlucky93_fml 0

im sorry to hear that, but those gifts are never a good idea:)

D00d33 0 sure that five year is gonna be pretty upset when he finds out he dumped out all the ants. I think you should get some new ones from the backyard. :)

YDI for not explaining the rules of having an ant farm to the kid AND not knowing your kid well enough to know you can't put an ant farm w/in his reach.

PrinceTwilight17 0

I am pretty sure I wasn't that dumb at 5 -_- Well ants are in a glass cage, what will happen if I tip it up side down IN THE HOUSE?!?!?!?! God what have you been teaching this kid?

aaaaa12345_fml 0

ydi for raising a retarded son

i_stay_anonymous 0

Why IN THE WOOORLD would someone buy a 5 year old child an ant farm?!?!