
By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, my sister bought my five year-old son a giant ant farm for his birthday. We set it in the living room on a table. I went into the kitchen for a minute, and when I walked back in to the living room, my son was holding the empty case over his head, smiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 179
You deserved it 7 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I cannot even begin to think of how that might be a good present for a five year old. Your sister fails -__-


Hey, look at it this way - some of us have a crippling phobia of insects. It's clear your son doesn't

The_Derpinator 0

Your sister's a dumb bitch. Period. I mean, what person gives a 5-YEAR-OLD an ANT FARM?! Those presents are suitable for older kids. I'm pretty sure it's suitable for kid 9 AND OVER.

... been noticing alot of five year olds lately... Either five year olds are evil Or its Michael Jackson's dream come true...

fringle 0

Why are there already 3 moderated comments on this o.O?

Did you ever get in a fight with your sister when you were kids, and she told you "I'll get you for that some day! Just you wait and see!!" Think about it. Apparently she remembered. I think today was that day. Why else would she buy ants for your son, when you can get them for free just by leaving some food on the ground?

Lekerareas 0

On the bright side, you will now have ants in your pants! Call the ******* exterminator.

I'd make sure the kid got bitten by a few of the ants (stick his hand into the swarm maybe) to learn something then call the exterminator and make my sister pay for the exterminator. Why the hell would anyone give a 5 YEAR OLD an ant farm? Sheesh. But in the mean time, get the vaccuum!!!

With all due respect, your sister is not so smart for giving a kid so small a gift like that. And you're in for some YDI too for not having ensured first that he even knew he wasn't supposed to do that, and yet leaving him alone with it. What did you think would happen??

You ought to give your sister a Hatful O' Bedbugs. A fun toy from the maker of fine products like Lobsters on the Piano and Crabs on the Organ.