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It's a doggy dog world

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Slovakia

Today, I went out for dinner with my long-term crush, who turned out to be a huge dog person. He asked me which dog breed I like the most. In an attempt to reply with both Labrador and Doberman, I accidentally said Dumbledore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 404
You deserved it 9 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh yeah that breed of dog is awesome, very loyal, but they have a bad habit of humping things.

I thought the Dumbledore was a breed of goat, with the really long beard and all... The canine version of this would be pretty awesome.


wagne057 6

So long as you don't like the Voldemort or Umbridge breeds.

chriswright1888 10

Dumbledore is the breed of my zebra!

I used to be married to a Dumbledore. When we met, she was Susan Dumbledore. But we grew apart and she divorced me and ran off with her gynecologist.

Suppose that's got to be hilarious, because of his gynecology work, he probably pleases her more than you ever could. FYL.

Low blow, dude. Where's the ref on this one?

The refs are calling for an immediate eviction from the game on account of the possibly meanest comment I've ever seen on this sight.

While I very much appreciate the support from #100 and #108 after the unprovoked attack by #79, I gotta admit, he's probably right. Or, more likely, since the gynecologist looks at hundreds of vaginas every day, he's probably not too thrilled about having to come home and see the exact same thing.

yourmurderscenex 13

wow, 79 you are a complete jackass.

119 I'm surprised he's not sick of them already and then she'll pry leave him to. Marriage is overrated anyways, good time to get trim and hit up the divorced women lookin' for love.

i doubt any straight man would get sick of vaginas

The problem there is gynos usually see more sick vaginas than healthy. Big nasty stinky cheesy ones.

sugarshane007 20

That was a real wizard of a choice, perhaps it'll imbue your relationship with magic.

At least you brought some magic into the date, right? Right? ... Sorry for that, guys. Well, If he dumps you for THAT, you won't be missing much.

Don't let the nargle get him.. Nasty lil bugger they are...

perdix 29

I've never seen a "huge dog-person." What did he look like? Did he have a wet nose and floppy ears? Or a tail? Could he lick his own balls? I guess not, because if he could, why would he go out on a date?

If he could lick his own balls why would he need anyone else?

perdix 29

#24, did you read my entire comment? I didn't realize I was going into "tl;dr" territory.

I honestly thought I read the whole thing.. :/ Sorry

perdix 29

K #40, I was going to write "OK," but I was afraid you might drift off after the O. Hahahahahaha :D

Introducing...the Dumbledore! The breed of dog for the muggle who wants to add a little magic to his life

I don't really think this is an FML moment. It's funny, and I'm sure he laughed. If he didn't... Why not?