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It's a doggy dog world

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Slovakia

Today, I went out for dinner with my long-term crush, who turned out to be a huge dog person. He asked me which dog breed I like the most. In an attempt to reply with both Labrador and Doberman, I accidentally said Dumbledore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 404
You deserved it 9 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh yeah that breed of dog is awesome, very loyal, but they have a bad habit of humping things.

I thought the Dumbledore was a breed of goat, with the really long beard and all... The canine version of this would be pretty awesome.


inakatoots 5

Haha! That's a good one! Can I use that?

skyeyez9 24

Now that I think of it, I haven't seen many dobermans.

My_Life24 22

I didn't know Dumbledore was a name for a breed of a dog. I thought he was a powerful wizard with a long beard. I kid, I kid.

I'm not sure what this site's all about. Can someone tell me? Maybe a link to the goddamned FAQ? Pwease?

Well, the site is I don't know how you don't understand the point of it. It's where people post things that made them think "**** my life."

That made me laugh! I love when people trip up and say silly things! Happens all the time, don't let it getcha down. Laugh it off!

First time in a long while I actually laughed at a FML! Maybe someone will make a crossbreed between those two breeds and actually call it a Dumbledore D:

Drakorex 10

I don't really see how this is an fml, I would think it was funny

If that didn't make you look like a derp than nothing will.

That's not bad, if anything it would be cute make your crush laugh you know

Hardly a big deal, all you had to do was correct yourself after saying you meant to say labrador and doberman, you probably would have both laughed about it. Surely you didn't just stay quiet after saying that?