It's funny because it's true

By screwed - 22/05/2009 00:18 - United States

Today, after a night of drinking, I woke up with some chips in my bed. I thought it was funny so I went to tell my roommate. Her response was, "That's so funny! It's a typical night out for the two of us. I wake up the next morning with a boy in my bed and you wake up with food in yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 776
You deserved it 12 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay... food can't get you preggers.

She just called herself a ****, your life is fine.


I'd rather be fat then have STD's. and either way, I wake up with food in my bed sometimes and I am very skinny. that's not an FML... chips are yummy.

All these people calling your roommate a ***** are retards. A girl can enjoy sex and have it a lot with out being a *****.

schoolfml 0

# 119.. you are a retard. it definitely considers her a **** unless its all with the same guy,

hahaha ouch! whatever, at least your not sluttty.

ahh sad haha but ya I agree with #1. no stds, no bleeding pussy, and no drunk naked guy in your bed

Yeah, take a look at all the other posts on here that have gone wrong with taking a random guy home. Plus, note that she said BOY and not MAN. You aren't missing out.

monty9310 0

yeah i feel ur pain although with me they went through my phone FML