It's just windy

By m…… - 05/08/2012 00:44 - United States - South Whitley

Today, my mom's intense fear of tornadoes caused her to break into the bathroom, drag me off the toilet while I was changing my tampon, and drag me to the basement with my pants around my ankles to join my father, brother, and my brother's best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 268
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What makes this story interesting is the possibility that there wasn't actually a tornado going on at the time.

I would probably throw my used tampon at her. That's just me though.


muhrissaa 4

At first, I thought it said "tomatoes", but then I realized it was "tornadoes". lol stupid crack on my iPod. :p

muhrissaa 4

Haha, oh gosh. I was just reading so fast and didn't take a good look at it. It's ridiculous of how many cracks I have on my iPod! lol

MichellinMan 20

get that sucker repaired! warranty FTW! (if you have one)

muhrissaa 4

lol I'm not sure if I do. I heard you had to show the receipt to prove you bought the iPod, but I'm not sure. I lost the receipt though. :(

Summon the devil - one soul and that guy becomes your bitch!

PokeMyBelly 5

That must've been embarrassing...

DarkJediLove 19

She didn't want to lose you to Oz and the Emerald City for fear that you wouldn't have made any friends at this time of the month!

Your brother's friend is lucky that he got to see you with your pants down, unlucky that it was during that time of the month. I hope you'll be living on your own soon, OP. Best of luck.

I think it's disgusting that some people think guys are lucky to catch girls with their pants down. I guess that's just me though.

Oh my god! I'm so sorry, OP! I find it awkward enough to be around my brother's friends with all my clothes on, I usually hide in my room... I can't imagine what that must have felt like! FYL indeed.

you shoulda said dang it give me a few seconds

Corrupt_waffles 13
B3Y0ND 3

That has heen overused like OP's tampon. Also, here were no mentions of feces in this FML, so if a pun was intended, what was its relevance?