It's just windy

By m…… - 05/08/2012 00:44 - United States - South Whitley

Today, my mom's intense fear of tornadoes caused her to break into the bathroom, drag me off the toilet while I was changing my tampon, and drag me to the basement with my pants around my ankles to join my father, brother, and my brother's best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 268
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What makes this story interesting is the possibility that there wasn't actually a tornado going on at the time.

I would probably throw my used tampon at her. That's just me though.


Did you get a fresh tampon in? Cause standing in the basement with blood running down your legs would be even more awkward.

Was there an actual chance of a tornado striking? If it was a sunny day out and your mom made everyone go in the basement, FYL. If there was a tornado warning issued for your area and you decided to go to the bathroom to change it out instead of seeking shelter, YDI.

Even if there were a chance of a tornado striking, let the girl change her tampon. It takes only seconds and then she can go to the basement.

Maybe the tornado warning was issued when OP was in the bathroom.

I wonder how many people took this FML as their most favorite

Well you do live in the area for it. Blood-stained legs or not, you'll thank her one day I'm sure.

Well.. Did you at least get to put the new tampon in?

Your brothers best friend I'm sure will give you a call if it's any consolation.

It might be wise to buy a stronger lock

hateevryone 14

The first time I read this I thought it said your moms intense fear of tomatoes