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It was an accident!

By innocent - 06/01/2014 21:32 - Australia

Today, I was at my girlfriend's house, and she was tickling me. It got a bit rough, and she fell out of bed and hit the floor. Her parents, thinking we'd been fighting, burst into the room to see her holding her bloody nose. She didn't say anything while her dad kicked my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 043
You deserved it 7 512

Same thing different taste

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Nice girlfriend you have there. She could have at least said you didn't do anything.

#31 - none of that FML says anything about sleeping there. how is tickling each other something they should not be doing until they move out, or have to go out to do? it is fun - not a bad thing. the only bad thing is that the girlfriend didnt bother telling the father it was an accident. so please shut up. your comment was ridiculous.


I would of just defended myself, regardless of how well intentioned her father was.

jmann8811 15

She could of said something to her dad, that sucks man

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Like what was said before dump your "girlfriend" and press charges against her dad for assault.

I think the girlfriend was a bit..evil. but the dad were just reacting like a dad should do. My cousin had a violent bf once, if only my uncle had beaten him and learned him a lesson when he first found out :-( but still, fyl. I hope you can convince her family and that you gf will quit being an ass and help you out

No actually the dad should find out what was happening first before using his fists. Otherwise it's like a hunter shooting at a moving bush and accidentally killing someone. (By your logic he would cry "but I was just doing what a hunter should do!")

RedPillSucks 31

How long do you think it would take OP to say "Look, it was an accident. She fell off the bed" ?? The Dads reaction was completely understandable. It was a dick move on the girls part, though. Moral of the story, don't do rough tickling.

That hunting example is terrible but I see what you tried to do. Anyway I really don't think OP got his ass beat. I'm thinking the dad ran in and did the front of the shirt slam into the wall and whack upside the head a few times while screaming "what the **** did you do to my daughter" routine. If the dad had given OP a proper ass whoopin I bet the dad would be in jail for assaulting a minor.

Why is it a terrible example? You are not allowed to just assault someone based on an assumption. Just like you have to check to make sure it's actually a deer you are shooting.... Bush shakes; it's quite likely to be a deer. You walk in on your daughter with a bleeding nose and her boyfriend; it seems quite likely that he hit her. If you are wrong about your assumption in either case (yet you still act) you have committed a crime. Unless you're gonna tell me that in fact it's quite OK to just grab someone and slam them against the wall as you described (if that's what happened), when in fact they may be completely innocent? Would you feel the same if the genders were reversed? We live in a society where people are supposed to keep their hands off of each other. If some dipshit (like the father in this fml) touched a hair on my son's head I would be tempted to go and kill him (yes, even though my son is male). But I have to control myself. As a father it pisses me off that people just shrug when a male gets assaulted for no reason.

reacting violently is never ok or justified, whether it's understandable or not, unless it's self defense. can't happen. that's all there is to it. that's kind of how things are supposed to work.

It's a terrible example because you never ever shoot at a bush while hunting. Two reasons, 1 any kind of animal can make a bush shake. Have fun paying the fines for shooting an out of season animal. 2 you aim for certain parts of an animal to make the kill quickly. You don't just shoot at something you can't clearly see. As far as what's allowable or not I really don't think it's such a big deal for a father to protect his daughter in that kind if situation. getting a few slaps because of a bad situation isn't life altering in any way. If anything it would teach OP to be a little bit more careful in the future. A lot of teenage boys nowadays could use a good ass kicking to put their heads on straight. Hell this Christmas season I had parents thank me because I planted two of their kids for trying to steal the Salvation Army donation dish from in front of the local Von's. But this is getting way off point. If the dad did seriously brutally whip OPs ass that's crazy but in the much more likely event it was just a little hands on treatment that kids nowadays have no experience with. Either way It had the desired effect, OP will be a lot more careful around this guys daughter and other women in the future.

Right. So you are just a sexist, basically. You think that it's good for males to be beaten just to "set their heads on straight." It's really pathetic.

When's the last time you heard of a girlfriend accidentally being too rough with her boyfriend and shoving him off the bed causing a bloody nose? But yeah throw an ism or an ist out there to make a point it's the American way!

So in your mind, no female has ever accidentally injured her partner while playing around..... >_<" Suppose that this exact situation (as in the fml) happened with the gender roles reversed, involving your daughter and my son. Would you be OK with me picking your daughter up and slamming her against the wall? How about if I gave her head a few slaps (like you described before)? You don't need to reply saying "but that can never happen, girls can't ever cause damage to manly alpha males like me and my son." Suppose it happened as a hypothetical situation. You would probably be disgusted by my behaviour. That's how I feel about my son. So when people like you try to claim that this was a perfectly reasonable reaction, it's a tad offensive.

RedPillSucks 31

I agree with junkman6. The hunting example was a bad example of what you were getting at. And most "domestic" violence are men hurting woman. Sure, it happens the other way round but its far less frequent. And legally, violence is justifiable if you're protecting your family or property.

Nobody was protecting anybody. If OP was attacking the daughter as he walked in it would have been protection. In this case it was just revenge for something he mistakenly thought the OP did, and should have confirmed before grabbing him.

dreamsneverfall 8

Violence is not acceptable unless you are being attacked and it is self defence. the only person who would "technically", and that is a very far stretched technically, be aloud to hit or be violent toward OP is the daughter. In that case, it is a defensive reaction, albiet an unjestified reaction in this scenario. Though understandable, the father had no right to touch the boyfriend, and the boyfriend needs to press charges. It is unacceptable for any adult to assault a minor (if OP is a minor) or another adult (if OP is an adult). The knee-jerk reaction to assault someone categorizes this man as dangerous and a potential threat to others. As for the hunting metaphor, it isn't to be taken as literally as it is; it is being used as an example. All you two are proving is you are for violence without any prior thought, which definately is not very smart. You can't use violence over an assumption, just like you cannot shoot over one. It isn't being used to say people actually do.

#113, I've done it before, I'm extremely ticklish and get a little to rough when tickled and have caused my boyfriend a bloody nose before. I'd hate for a father or mother to just barge in and beat the crap out of me for an accident.

#31 - none of that FML says anything about sleeping there. how is tickling each other something they should not be doing until they move out, or have to go out to do? it is fun - not a bad thing. the only bad thing is that the girlfriend didnt bother telling the father it was an accident. so please shut up. your comment was ridiculous.

That's kinda nuts. She's a bit of a bitch

31- so if I tickle my boyfriend, I have to move out? Well shit, better start packing my bags then...

That was mean of her, she should have said something not stand around and watch you get whooped by her dad.