Jumping to conclusions

By el211 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend ran accidentally head-first into my face and left me with a giant black eye. My mother is convinced I had a seizure in a park somewhere and won't listen when I tell her she's wrong, and everyone else thinks my boyfriend is abusive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 664
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....what? Your mom's assumption is really...random.


KurouTenshi 0

yeah, everyone thought I was abusive to my ex because of the bruises on her arms that she got from her job in the kitchen. what they don't know is, if they saw her vag, and how beat up THAT was, then they might accuse me if being abusive... ...in bed.

^^Yea that's why girls never should date a ninja.

KurouTenshi 0

yeah the great thing is, you'll think I'm making a sammich joke, but she really works in the kitchen of a retirement home LOL

TryToBeKind 0

lol, you sound like my boyfriend - with the tearing up of the vag, pounding the pussy, having a snatch snack ... if I worked in a kitchen instead of a factory I would totally think you were him, lol

KurouTenshi 0


KurouTenshi 0

It's fixed now for all new comments.

KurouTenshi 0

well, in short: I can't be the girls bf, cause I'm a homosexual. just saying.

Monikabug 9

@15, that comment made my vag hurt. Haha ツ

your douche and probably horrible in bed... just sayin

Well you've already got one black eye, make sure he doesn't have to tell you again otherwise you'll earn another. *kapow* right to the noggin.

The_good_times 0

So he pulled a Zinedin Zidan on you.

I understand where your coming from op, last two year ago, I tried to just on my husbands back, he fell forward and I hit my face on the concrete driveway...ended up with a bruised nose and a huge scrape one my forehead, and everyone asked if someone beat me, and wouldn't believe that I'm just a klutz, lol

two years ago, now last two years...stupid phone word substitution...

420smoke420 3

oh I get it he "accidentally" gave you a black eye and he's "not" abusive ooookkkaaayyy I believe you

TryToBeKind 0

I can see where people are coming from in thinking your boyfriend is abusive since you said he did it (which he did, just by accident). Sounds like he felt bad (even if he thought it was sort of funny), and that he isn't abusive. I had someone open a locker in my face (the corner caught me when I stood up and they opened the door hard from arms-length away), so I know those things happen. All that said, I can't see where your mom came up with you having a seizure in a park. If you have seizures, that makes sense, but where did the park come from? Is she trying to say that you shouldn't go anywhere alone because of this? I guess I Just don't get that part. Kinda feel bad for your boyfriend, too, since everyone thinks he beats you. Guess the upshot is they care about you and are in the "can't be too careful/abused people make up excuses" camp.

The_good_times 0

Why would she post the fact that he's not on FML, if he really is abusive then she'd probably try to change the minds of the people that actually know her, not ours.

TryToBeKind 0

they could have been playing touch-football or maybe he was running at her, meaning to "tackle" her or hug her or pick her up or something. Actually, running at someone to pick them up off the couch randomly makes a lot of sense. It could happen, bad luck on both their parts.

How can your mom assume you had a seisure? Do you have epilepsia or something? If not, then she's really nuts.

sugarbabyxoxo 2


madmonkeykilla 0

shouldn't this be his fml not yours??