Jumping to conclusions

By el211 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend ran accidentally head-first into my face and left me with a giant black eye. My mother is convinced I had a seizure in a park somewhere and won't listen when I tell her she's wrong, and everyone else thinks my boyfriend is abusive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 664
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....what? Your mom's assumption is really...random.


correction who the hell not he'll. oh iPod your so proper I could punch you.

First of all, how the hell do you accidentally run into someone head first? And how does your mother get "seisure in a park" from a "black eye" it just doesn't make sense.

How can you be sure that it really was an accident ?

Mimorie17 12

how do you accidentally run head first into someones head.?? lmao.!

tiffyxmac 0

it's possible to run head first into someone on accident. my cousin ran head first into me while we were all playing football once. I ended up with a black eye and he ended up with nothing!! lol but everyone thought I got my ass beat or something

zendaddy0 0

just yell i dident have a sezure it was an acadent get it through your thick skull

DeadxManxWalking 27

boyfriend was running to hug you?

Norrec86 7

"accidentally" Who really does that? Sucks about the black eye thougj