Jumping to conclusions

By el211 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend ran accidentally head-first into my face and left me with a giant black eye. My mother is convinced I had a seizure in a park somewhere and won't listen when I tell her she's wrong, and everyone else thinks my boyfriend is abusive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 664
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....what? Your mom's assumption is really...random.


yourlifesfucked 0

YDI for poor sentence structure! it goes adjective ---> verb not verb ----> adjective. that's awesome tho if your mom is being dumb just tell her you accidentally got preggo. her face will be epic.

That's a matter of style. OP was not wrong. However, if you're going to correct someone else's writing, please learn the difference between an adjective and an adverb.

yourlifesfucked 0

ok my bad said adjective not adverb whatever. but that is not a style thing as it is written. w/ the adj after the verb like that it would have to read ran, accidentally, head first. way it is just doesnt make sense.

you correct the OP and when someone turns around and corrects you you say 'whatever?' lol

yourlifesfucked 0

no i said ur right, numbnuts.

Your boyfriend is not very good at giving head.

faxe 0

sounds like you are always eyeing dick yourself.

uhm... i think its reasonable they think ur bf's abusive because he " accidentally ran into ur face... "

loski87 4

"accidentally" huh? that's how it always starts...

campbellshayla73 0

Haha, I jumped on my boyfriend's back and slammed my face into the back of his head. I had a black eye for weeks. It was hilarious.

Dont you just love how people jump to all sorts of conclusions based on 2 sentences of information?

truer words have never been spoken/typed

Jesus_Owns 0

How the **** does ur boyfriend run face first into u on accident??? He sound ******* abusive

what are you dating a Bull? why the he'll rams into your face like that, were you waving your red granny panties at him? what the hell is this!!? who am I even talking to?!