Junk in the trunk

By NotSoClean - 21/07/2009 18:53 - United States

Today, I noticed that my very expensive facial cleanser was almost out. I had moved in with my boyfriend recently, and questioned him, telling him "You don't have to use so much to wash your face. That's a $70 bottle." To which he responded, "Oh, that nice-smelling stuff? Yeah, I use that on my junk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 804
You deserved it 8 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who the hell spends 70 dollars on one bottle of facial cleanser???

I sure plenty of people will shit on her for spending a lot of money on facial cleanser, but whatever. If she can afford it, then who cares. For people who aren't lucky to have a naturally good complexion, a higher quality product can sometimes make a difference. If she didn't use it and if her FML was about her boyfriend complaining about her acne or whatever, you'd be saying YDI for not taking care of her skin.


perfectwinds 0

Wow all you people are freakin' stupid!! Benzoyl peroxide used on the skin every day is HORRIBLE for your skin. I'm an esthetician and that's like taking dayquil to prevent a cold... It just won't work! And your body will become IMMUNE to it. And if you're so worried about preventing acne use something with sulfur (not sulfuric acid like someone said on here) or salicylic acid in it. And 70 for a cleanser isn't bad, it probably works damn well! I'd be pissed if I were you, OP. I have a lot of expensive products that I would be SOO pissed if someone used it on their "junk." Ugh. If you can't afford it people, don't spend it. But a lot of expensive products do *gasp* work! Some cheap ones do, too, but it's all about the INGREDIENTS. More expensive ingredients cause a higher price. Or more of a certain product. Oh, and to everyone saying to use SOAP on your face... You're freakin' NUTS. Soap can hurt your skin and dehydrate it causing you to break out even more. You shouldn't use SOAP on your face. >.

perfectwinds 0

And BTW... Who said it was for acne anyway? It was probably for anti-aging or preventative. That stuff is more expensive than acne cleansers.

ihatestupidppl 0

And in a strange way, much more romantic. lol

Unbelievable! Where does it say that the cleanser is for acne? Not everyone is a spotty teenager you know. Clinique's standard facewash is AUS$35 for a regular bottle - that lasts 6mths, so if the OP was buying bulk is could easily be $70 for a standard cleanser. What I don't get is a: what kind of fool refers to his PENIS as "junk" (gasp, yes, it has a name - it's PENIS) and b: why would he bother using a separate product for one area? What did he use to clean the rest of his body?

Why the **** does he want his penis to smell nice!?!?!?!

meddude 0

if you really need an explanation, i pity you. a lot.

He probably meant why would he want his crotch to smell floral or girly, rather then just good ol' clean. You can smell clean without smelling perfumey - and honestly, I'd wonder the same myself if my man decided to randomly use my soap that smelled like flowers to wash his penis and nothing more. :o

thats what i would do. he saw his opportunity for awesomeness and he took it.

this is funny as hell, but i totally feel your pain. good facial cleanser = awesome and not for penises.

He was probably using it as lube to **********, some soaps fell realy good

the point isn't how much she spends on cleanser, it's the fact that he's using her stuff without asking. didn't we all learn that in elementary school?