Just a prank, bro!

By ilovemymomma - 26/05/2012 07:15 - United States - Hereford

Today, my friends switched my mom and my girlfriend's numbers in my phone. I sexted my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 280
You deserved it 10 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clever bastards. The question is, how long did the sexting last?

pinkpixie06 11

Given the nature of this fml, your name is both sweet and disturbing. :-/


jimshrimp 0

Say it was off the Internet

Hey your soo hot, but how can we chat? Email me at jmckenm @ gmail .com, I'm 23 hot guy, we can have a fun chat

1. That's funny 2. I'm sorry I laughed at you 3. No I'm not 4. Ok maybe a little 5. I feel bad for laughing 6. I think........ But for real I would kill my friends!:-o

Taylorelizabeth3 3
johndeere96 0

Big time fail! Thats why you dont leave your phone alone with your friends:)

Your friends rule! I really hope your Mum at least played along for a few texts lol

bizarre_ftw 21

I have to do this to some one!!!!!!!!! XD!!!!!!!!! All my drunky friends here I come!!!!! >:D