Just a prank, bro

By unlucky dudebag - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my brother and father thought it would be a good idea to wake me up by turning on a chainsaw while wearing hockey masks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 314
You deserved it 4 747

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Sometimes, I wish these comments would get buried instead of modded. It's human nature ---- it makes me want to know what was said that was soooo inappropriate.

fearthereaper79 0

You should wake them up tomorrow morining by punching them in the face.


YigalElohev 2

Ha ha ha. I wanna try that on my parental units.

I would've woken up and swan dived out the window if I see that. <.<

talb1 7

that sounds funny and scary at the same time.

emodude44 0

My brother did the same thing to me with a weed wacker. We don't have a chainsaw. I just rolled over and went back to sleep haha.