Just a prank, bro

By unlucky dudebag - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my brother and father thought it would be a good idea to wake me up by turning on a chainsaw while wearing hockey masks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 314
You deserved it 4 747

Top comments

Sometimes, I wish these comments would get buried instead of modded. It's human nature ---- it makes me want to know what was said that was soooo inappropriate.

fearthereaper79 0

You should wake them up tomorrow morining by punching them in the face.


CharlieH94 0

to bad you stole that from a YouTube video! get original content OP!

ddjjrrff 0

i would have just stared at them for a long while.. why? well 1. i cant see too good in the mornings and 2. ive never seen that movie before

ethatam 0

so if you were randomly woken up to two guys standing in your room over your bed with chainsaws it wouldn't bother you at all?

ScaryGirl 4

I would've lost control of my bowels if that ever happened to me. I'd run out of the house in whatever I was wearing screaming "HELP!" all the while ******** and peeing myself. It would go on for several hours nonstop. Running and ********, running and ********.

Ha! Mang your family is hilariously messed up señor