Keep it up

By need2eat - 15/06/2009 15:48 - United States

Today, I saw my parents for the first time in 11 weeks. They commented on how much weight I lost. I told how due to stress, I hadn't been able to eat anything for the past two weeks and I was basically unintentionally starving myself. They told me to keep it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 895
You deserved it 5 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they weren't being totally serious? Either way, get on a healthy diet and start exercising. You'll thank yourself later in life when you're lean and healthy.

Jessaly_fml 0

That's such a parental thing to say. My mom encouraged me to take diet pills when I was 12 and at a HEALTHY weight. I don't know why parents can be so judgmental about weight, my grandma is too. If I had kids, I would think they were beautiful no matter what, regardless of weight. And dear god, if they told me they were under a lot of stress I would help them immediately...I'm sorry your parents suck.


MetalCraze 11

YDI they didn't fall for your attention seeking behavior Guess they know you too well

newguy12 0

funny, there was one exactly worded the same way.........

My parents did this to me... I hit such a hard time in college that I lost fifty pounds and wound up in the hospital. My mom wouldn't stop talking about how "good" I looked while I was hooked up to IVs in the hospital, so malnourished I could barely move and suffering from muscle atrophy. Even working out and eating right, I always stay about twenty over the "ideal" weight for a girl of my height, but apparently being unable to feed myself was enough to get off that extra fat! Never mind that I was healthy overweight than when I was at my thinnest, when I started to get better and was actually able to eat again, one of the first things my mother told me was to make sure I didn't gain back all that weight! If your parents are like mine, they aren't trying to be cruel. My mom just honestly wants me to be happy, and believed that if I were thinner and prettier, I could have all the things she believes I need to make me happy. She isn't trying to be hurtful, she just doesn't realize the impact of what she says. Look, REGARDLESS of your size, it is always going to be healthier to be less stressed and eating something. No matter how over weight you might be, starving your body will never be healthy and if people truly cared about a person's health and not just making them skinny enough that they were attractive, then they wouldn't suggest that weight loss due to stress and starvation was a good thing. And, honestly, if these people care more about how you look than the state of your well being, then they are not the sort of people you need to impress. Because this is the internet and it is bound to come up, yes, I am a "fat, ugly chick". Yet, somehow despite my personal appearance I still manage to be intelligent and show a basic level of compassion for others, even complete strangers. Imagine that, a person who isn't physically perfect and yet still has worth as a human being.

Hurp derp durp! Unattractive people generally make up for it in intellect and depth of emotional development, so your point of having worth as an unattractive chick is tautological. However, this is the internet... and do you know why the net was born? **** **** ****!

Aww that sucks. I totally understand about the stress thing... a couple weeks ago I was so stressed that I couldn't eat anything either, I lost 15 pounds in like 2 weeks... NOT healthy.

Rosebell26 0

Wow, they clearly didn't think about what they were saying. And regardless of your size or weight, you need to nourish your body. Sorry to hear your parents were so rude :(

Luneth101 0

#14 it wasn't intentional, so shut up. #15 stress is a bad thing, even if you lose weight due to it. But your parents were probably joking. We joke around like that about my brother, and he's only about five pounds overweight.