
By 12345678910 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Buffalo

Today, my drunk mom kicked me out of my own birthday party, calling me a "party-pooper" and saying I was killing everyone's buzz. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 611
You deserved it 4 441

Top comments

drunk moms..... killing parties since the beginning of time!

Wizardo 33

Too bad there weren't any mirrors at your party, then she could see the irony...


Well, why are you there if not to entertain all those guests? Pfffft. It's your birthday party, it's not like people should actually tend to you, right?

\ 28

The only way the mom could actually be right is if OP had a bad attitude during the party, upsetting everyone

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because...

Wizardo 33

Too bad there weren't any mirrors at your party, then she could see the irony...

Wizardo 33

Too bad there weren't any mirrors at your party, then she could see the irony...

drunk moms..... killing parties since the beginning of time!

Worst of all, you can't do shit about it.

flashback.miss 28

Return the favour on her birthday.

Wow. Sounds like my mum. Well OP, could always throw a party for her then kick her out of it for some obscure reason. good luck.

bballer4life895 13

You must be a real buzzkill lol

Instead of being a douche how about making OP feel better. It'll probable help you with your down-votes.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Hey, we don't know the circumstances. OP could have totally been a buzz kill. No one likes an arrogant twat, even if it is their birthday. So.. Yeah, OP may very well have been a buzz kill and doesn't deserve our sympathy.

33 - We can only go by what we KNOW. 1 - It was OP's birthday 2 - OP's mom was drunk 3 - OP got kicked out of their own party Anything else is just blind assumptions; therefore, F their life. And honestly, if it's YOUR party, you should be able to big as big a buzzkill if you want, so long as no one is getting physically injured. It's YOUR party.

Jake_Hale 7

In your list you forgot the fact that OP was called a "party pooper" and said that they killed everyone's buzz. There must be a reason for them to be accused of such things. So this isn't blind assumption. And anyway if you are being a 'buzz kill' then I'm sorry but you are ruining the night for all the guests and that just make you a dick.

38 - I did not forget it "Buzzkill" is a subjective term that everyone is going to have their own definition for. Therefore simply BEING a buzzkill is not a fact.

klovemachine 24

It's your party, you can cry if you want to...

Cry if you want to, cry if you want to! You would cry to if it happened to you!

Tell her she should go home because she's drunk. I bet it will confuse her into thinking she's at someone else's party. Then she'll leave; problem solved!