
By noname - 22/09/2010 05:37 - Canada

Today, I discovered that if I put my ankles on my boyfriend's shoulders while we are having sex, I will pee myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 563
You deserved it 13 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucks. fun position though ;). pee before sex. it'll help. research it too, the feeling of pee isn't pee though.

are u sure ur just not "squirting"? He would be hitting ur g spot that way...


mannypulator 0

she just might not know. squirters are fun don't feel bad op

Mamabeth 0

Sooo yeah... It's called a g spot op

yutsnme 0

You are squirting! it feels like peeing, happens to me EVERYTIME, my husband knows exactly what to do to hit that spot. I used to be uncomfortable but now I'm used to it. You just have to put a towel down! My husband enjoys it. I always make sure I pee before sex because I don't always like that feeling!!

whtdragn 0

whether she peed or squirted... it's still hot!

XbambiX 3

gross! TMI!! who cares op!! stop bn a *****

For all you ppl saying that squirting is the same as peeing, your so wrong. YES it does come from the same hole BUT its not your bodys liquid waste, therefore its not urine. besides, the OP isn't going to randomly feel the sudden urge to pee unless he's hitting the g-spot. just relax OP and let it go everytime and you won't regret it.


#38 that's a matter of opinion! I think tattoos are very attractive