
By noname - 22/09/2010 05:37 - Canada

Today, I discovered that if I put my ankles on my boyfriend's shoulders while we are having sex, I will pee myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 563
You deserved it 13 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucks. fun position though ;). pee before sex. it'll help. research it too, the feeling of pee isn't pee though.

are u sure ur just not "squirting"? He would be hitting ur g spot that way...


firemedic59 0

FHL for having such a twit of a girlfriend that she's completely unaware of her own body and the very different functions of said body. More biology, less assumptions. +/-

monnanon 13

im pretty sure if she had squirted she would have felt the ******.

glider23 0

who let the tattooed Terminator in here?

monnanon 13

Op surely would have noticed the ****** before squirting so im guessing she peed from the pressure put on her bladder. Not every girl gets stimulation in that area.

I am a squirter - I don't feel anything that feels like a normal ****** before I squirt though, so she wouldn't have necessarily either. And yes, I am sure it is squirting because of the smell etc.

kirstentaylorc 0

you definitely squirted sweetheart, didnt pee yourself :)