
By noname - 22/09/2010 05:37 - Canada

Today, I discovered that if I put my ankles on my boyfriend's shoulders while we are having sex, I will pee myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 563
You deserved it 13 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucks. fun position though ;). pee before sex. it'll help. research it too, the feeling of pee isn't pee though.

are u sure ur just not "squirting"? He would be hitting ur g spot that way...


Ookami85 0

hey number 1 can you show me how fun it is??

yummycupcakegirl 0

ewww maybe its a gspot related thing?

RedPillSucks 31

I hope he wasn't eating at the time.

Chill Out, looks like your parents forgot to teach you not to cry on fml about rubbish...

KylaaKatastrophe 0

... Kelly Jones, Idk why but I laughed at this comment. Probably because I imagined it as all caps like your screen name. Or maybe because every time I hear 'lesbian' I think of Janice(?) from Mean Girls going "I've got a big llllesbiannnn crush on you!"

nikalb3 0

he'll go for it anyway he'll forgive you

nikalb3 0

all about the guy doing you right