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By Well Shit - 16/08/2023 21:00 - United Kingdom - Rickmansworth

Today, I had a really big, satisfying shit in the loo of a pub several miles from home. After getting back to my table, my stomach rumbled, and, assuming it was just gas, I let it go. What followed was approximately a litre of brown water, soaking my underwear, jeans, and chair, and dribbling onto the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 840
You deserved it 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I learned when young, never trust a fart, especially after taking a dump

Aye, that's one hell of a shituation friend!


Once you're 30, don't trust the fart. So sorry that happened to you, OP.

Aye, that's one hell of a shituation friend!

I learned when young, never trust a fart, especially after taking a dump

This is what happens when you ASSUME. Your ASS betrays YOU and disgusts ME!