Legged it

By poserpilot - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - El Cajon

Today, I woke up after a night of drinking to find that while I was passed out someone stole my prosthetic leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 768
You deserved it 6 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loserboii 11

You sure someone isn't pulling your leg?

Are you sure? You might've just misplaced it. Drunk people tend to do that.


perdix 29

Damn, how are you going to pry your balls out of the hot tub now?

Fantastic reference to a previous fml! =D

Darn, you beat me to the punch Perdix.

Some have serial numbers depending on technology ...report it to police you may get lucky and get it back if it's trying to be pawned... My car was broke into 5 years ago iPod stolen I actually got it back a month later a police detective contacted me over 2 hours from where it was taken but the officer made the drive and I got my iPod back. Pure luck so it never hurts to report it stolen you may get it back. If not I hope it was insured that truly sucks sorry OP

perdix 29

You ought kick that guy's ass! Wait... Roll on the ground under him and them pop him with your good leg.

I knew an old man at the bar, that used to drink his beer out of his prosthetic leg just for kicks. It was pretty gross to watch but he was a war vet so I never questioned his stability.

perdix 29

"just for kicks?" Brilliant! I know I'll getting thumbed down for being a kiss-ass, but YDI.

Sally2dicks21 8

That's just sad. If someone can do that they don't deserve to live

My girlfriends dad found a prosthetic leg yesterday...

DJAllen 6
RvidxrKlvn 8

You're lucky it was your prosthetic leg because you would've been drowned in YDIs hahah. Still FYL though.