Liar, liar

By skanula414 - 31/12/2014 19:00 - Sweden - Malm?

Today, I found out my 7-year-old daughter really did lie about my husband's "other girlfriend" as revenge for being grounded, and that he never cheated on me at all. We're well into our divorce proceedings and he won't forgive me for not believing him when he denied it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 433
You deserved it 49 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess if she is like this at 7, I wonder what she's going to be like at 14

1PersonIsMyWorld 22


222, seven year olds have a pretty good knowledge of what marriage is and that daddy is not supposed to kiss anyone but mummy. If they really saw him they would tattle, not innocently say she was nice - thats more of what a three year old would do.

Why would you believe a 7 year old who just got grounded?

ValleyofMari 2

if my kid ,who knows nothing about commitment and relationships, told me she saw my guy with someone else I'd believe her too. if she said her dad had touched her I'd believe her too. if she said she saw her dad hit someone I'd believe her too, because kids are innocent and don't know these things are wrong. well they were innocent. now they can do anything and play innocent. they and the elderly are becoming aware of their power and need to be stopped.

The fact that you believed a 7 year old over your husband is stupid. Smh.

Why would you believe your seven year old daughter over your husband? And if shit goes down and ends in a divorce, you better punish your kid.

hollandchris0822 10

most of the time kids that age don't lie bout something like that. cant blame her there

bleedingglitter 24

There were obviously some other issues in the relationship then.

Think about it guys, she probably stayed at work late with the Husband alone with the daughter, so how is that not suspicious? Plus OP could have gone through this before, so she probably didn't want to go through that again