Liar, liar

By skanula414 - 31/12/2014 19:00 - Sweden - Malm?

Today, I found out my 7-year-old daughter really did lie about my husband's "other girlfriend" as revenge for being grounded, and that he never cheated on me at all. We're well into our divorce proceedings and he won't forgive me for not believing him when he denied it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 433
You deserved it 49 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess if she is like this at 7, I wonder what she's going to be like at 14

1PersonIsMyWorld 22


Obviously, all of you that are saying that she shouldn't have believed her child over her husband haven't heard of cases where a child is being molested or hurt and when they tell their parent, they don't believe their child and believe the molester or abuser instead. I don't care what situation it is, I'll always take my child's word over somebody who's only connection to me is putting their dick inside me. Sure, I'll investigate to make sure they aren't lying, but I wouldn't just sweep their accusation under the rug just because theyre a child.

I can't believe people are blaming the op for trusting her own child. The op had no idea how twisted her child was.The op was a victim too. But I don't blame the husband for now wanting to get back together.Who would want an evil step daughter or daughter like that in their lives.

ayanna_wright 15

and u believed a seven year old..why?

you're so gullible. you believed a 7-year-old, misunderstood child over the man who loved you, agreed to be loyal to you (for now at least) and chose to spend his life with you? I wouldn't be surprised if you're already divorced because you are just so heartless putting him through so much pointless trouble over something that he never even did. you should really believe your daughter, sure, but if it's something serious or personal like this, husband and others involved come first for asking. YDI.

oh, and also, you basically just ruined your child's life for believing her. why? she is going to grow up, live life, and grow old knowing that her little young self was the reason her parents got divorced. but overall, if i were the husband, i would just straight up go through with the divorce and never forgive you, because you couldn't even ask me about it first.

let me just reword this. you should always trust your child, yes, but if there's other people you know involved, ask those people about it first. but if she were to say that she got raped (when she's older ofc) or something about herself and her surroundings, you should just straight up believe her end of. if it's about somebody else, you don't just stick to what that one person says...

Sounds like a lose-lose. Who would you believe? You want to believe your spouse and your own flesh and blood, but geez. But seriously, your daughter is a little brat (that's the nicest thing I can say; you don't want to know what I truly think) for saying shit like that because she was grounded. If that's how she is, no wonder she was grounded to begin with. But seriously, I would have looked for evidence of an affair, maybe even installed nanny cams or something. Of course a cheating spouse would deny any allegations, but in this case, the husband was blind-sided over something your bratty kid said. That kid needs a huge pop on the ass. In most situations, a kid would be telling the truth about things like this, so the fact that your daughter wasn't...just...ugh, I am disgusted! >.<

YDI. Oh man, single and stuck with a stupid bratty child, sucks to be you OP, your ex-husband deserves someone who trusts him more.

It seems OP already feared that her Husband is Cheating. There has to be more to it. I wouldnt believe a kind that age from the get go.

You deserve every damn bit of that, bitch. And please discipline your daughter