Liar, liar

By skanula414 - 31/12/2014 19:00 - Sweden - Malm?

Today, I found out my 7-year-old daughter really did lie about my husband's "other girlfriend" as revenge for being grounded, and that he never cheated on me at all. We're well into our divorce proceedings and he won't forgive me for not believing him when he denied it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 433
You deserved it 49 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess if she is like this at 7, I wonder what she's going to be like at 14

1PersonIsMyWorld 22


tounces7 27

Any 7 year old that would be willing to hold onto that lie to the point of divorce is highly likely to be a psychopath.